How is nose job? | Costs, benefits and side effects

how is nose job

You may either have trouble breathing or you are not happy with the way your nose looks because you chose the BUTMAG for information on nasal surgery or rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty or nose job is known as the most common cosmetic surgery in the IRAN now, which is still on the rise even with increasing inflation and medical costs. In this article, we want to explain everything related to rhinoplasty.

What is rhinoplasty? or Nose job

Rhinoplasty can solve many problems with the nose, including the size of the nose (relative to the face), the width of the nose, the size and position of the nostrils, and the appearance of the nose. Some plastic surgeons are able to change the appearance of the nose of people of different ethnicities and races who are looking to change the appearance of their nose by taking ethnography courses and gaining expertise in this field.

Rhinoplasty can also reshape the tip of the nose, reduce the appearance of large nostrils, and correct nasal asymmetry. Functionally, this style of surgery can also correct some respiratory problems, including problems with nasal septal deviation. Cosmetic surgery is also a good option for removing birth defects and noses that have been damaged in accidents or driving or sports.

nose job

Are you a good candidate for nose job (rhinoplasty)?

One of the questions that people ask before rhinoplasty is about the final result of the operation on their nose. In fact, more than 80% of people whose noses have a different appearance are able to have rhinoplasty, while among those 20% are people whose cosmetic surgery is compatible with the shape of their face. However, the most important point is about meatless and boneless noses. Some people have cartilage-free noses that these volunteers have to have cartilage transplants that may not produce acceptable results after surgery.

Am I a good candidate for Rhinoplasty ? | expectations, psycho effect
Am I a good candidate for Rhinoplasty ? | expectations, psycho effect

Therefore, if you have cartilaginous noses, you can easily leave your nose in the hands of the most skilled surgeons in the country. Here are some common reasons for having rhinoplasty:

• Fracture of the nasal septum that causes the nose to be out of the center of the face.

• Nasal hump in the area of the nasal bridge

Excessively wide nose

• The tip of the nose is thick, asymmetrical or too protruding, in which case a drooping nose occurs.

Problems that are aesthetically caused by injury or trauma.

• Improve individual breathing

• Changing the appearance of the nose in accordance with genetics

What doctors should we choose for rhinoplasty?

nose job

Rhinoplasty is an invasive procedure that has a clear outcome and people can easily see the skill of the doctor by seeing the appearance of the nose after the operation. Of course, in some cases, even the most skilled surgeons will not be able to perform successful operations due to the inadequacy of the overall nose, which can negatively affect their resume. This is why most reputable surgeons refuse to accept patients with inappropriate nasal form. In general, the ways to identify a good surgeon are as follows:

• Physician resume

Inquiry from previous patients

• Location of the clinic

• Number of clients

• Satisfaction of previous clients

• etc.

Types of cosmetic rhinoplasty procedures

Rhinoplasty or nose job, as we have said, is an invasive plastic surgery that aims to reshape the nose or eliminate respiratory problems and.. This style of surgery has different types, including two types of primary rhinoplasty ("open" and "closed"), secondary rhinoplasty and filler rhinoplasty, each of which is described below.

Open Rhinoplasty

open rhinoplasty

In this procedure, which involves more than 90 percent of rhinoplasty, the skin of the nose is cut from the middle septum called the columella, and the skin and soft tissue are removed from the underlying structures of the nose called cartilage so that the surgeon can see the anatomy of the nose.

After carefully examining the structure of the nose, the surgeon begins the process of shaving the cartilage and shaping it according to the patient's taste, and then returns the skin to its previous position and sutures it.

Closed Rhinoplasty

nose job types

The less commonly used closed method is used for minor and insignificant changes. In this method, incisions and incisions are made in the inner parts of the nose and internal cavities to eliminate humps and deviations.

The closed method is never suitable for changing the tip of the nose, and the surgeon needs to split the skin on the bridge of the nose to do this. The only advantage of this method is that it does not cut and split the skin of the nose. However, few surgeons use this method for cosmetic surgery because his access to the structure and tissues of the nose, especially the tip, is quite limited.

Secondary rhinoplasty

Secondary cosmetic surgery, also known as revision rhinoplasty, is performed to correct problems that remain or have arisen after a previous rhinoplasty. Although the problems may be minor and easily corrected, they are often major and complex problems, which may make the secondary operation more difficult for the surgeon due to the weakening of the nasal tissue due to previous surgery. Rhinoplasty can be performed open or closed.

Nasal lift with gel injection

This method is a non-invasive operation and is made of injectable fillers (gel or filler) to achieve the following goals:

Fill in the nostrils

Smoothing sharp angles

Change the angle of the tip of the nose

Restore symmetry and make the nose smaller and more attractive

Most surgeons use an injectable filler to even out the surfaces and bridge of the nose, instead of removing the nasal dent using open or closed procedures. Of course, the results are never permanent. Some plastic surgeons may use soft tissue injections (gel injections) such as Juvéderm, Restylane or Radiesse to smooth out irregularities on the surface of the nose after surgery. This type of nose lift has been very popular recently.

Ethnic Rhinoplasty

One of the most important factors that should be considered in rhinoplasty is race, skin color, culture and all the things that affect a person's appearance. Unfortunately, most surgeons do not pay attention to this important point, which is why most of their operated noses become the same shape. Rhinoplasty is not limited to changing the appearance and raising the tip of the nose, but also other factors such as width, its size compatibility with the shape of the face and…

 It should also be a priority for the surgeon.

Ethnic rhinoplasty is a specialty that has gained increasing attention in recent years among African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanics. This is a unique procedure with special considerations and some special precautions that must be understood by the surgeon before surgery. Rihanna, the famous African-American singer, and Nikki Minaj, one of the most famous Asian singers, are among those who have used Ethnic rhinoplasty to change the shape of their noses.

Preparing for nose job (rhinoplasty)

Before having rhinoplasty, your surgeon will give you a list of instructions. Generally, avoid eating and drinking from midnight until tomorrow morning.

If you smoke, you should quit smoking 1 week before your nose job. If it is difficult for you to quit smoking, your surgeon may be able to provide a solution to help you quit. Cigarettes, in addition to other detrimental effects on health, severely affect blood flow to the skin. This means that less oxygen reaches the skin to heal the wound, in which case necrosis (death) of the skin occurs. Alcohol should also be stopped one week before surgery. Because alcohol can disrupt the healing process.

Your surgeon may also order you to stop taking some medications in the days or weeks leading up to your nose job. For example, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen can increase the risk of bleeding. However, some vitamins and herbal remedies such as vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, omega-3 fatty acids and green tea can also increase the risk of bleeding. Therefore, inform your surgeon about everything you consume. On the other hand, after the operation, never stop taking the medication prescribed by the surgeon without talking to him.

Some surgeons may prescribe homeopathic remedies such as arnica (a plant that can minimize bruising) before rhinoplasty. Some surgeons also prescribe steroids to reduce the initial swelling after rhinoplasty.

Risks and possible complications of nose job

Understanding that all invasive and non-invasive surgeries have side effects will help you make more obsessive decisions. To find the right surgeon, consider all the factors and do a good research on his background and skills. For best results, it is recommended that you consult only specialist surgeons and leave the work process to them alone.

Risks of rhinoplasty include:



Respiratory problems (nasal obstruction)

Dissatisfaction with the apparent results after surgery

Requires additional and reconstructive surgeries

Septal perforation (a small hole in the septum of the nose that causes turbulence and a whistling sound when a person speaks or sings)

Complications of anesthesia

Evaluate your nose

nose job

Assessment of the patient's nose by the surgeon is the first step in the surgical process. During this session, the surgeon takes pictures of different angles of your nose. He or she will also talk about your tastes and goals in action to implement your wishes.

On the day of the operation, the doctor will take photos of you as a model, which it is better to take in advance to speed up the process at home. Also, if you have pictures of your favorite models, show them to your doctor. In addition, your surgeon can show you pictures of other patients with similar nose shapes, which will help you better understand the possible results.

If you are planning to have rhinoplasty, you need to consider other methods of facial surgery to achieve balance and fitness. For example, increasing the cheek to fit the new shape of the nose, hair transplants and. Can play an important role in enhancing your beauty.

How to have rhinoplasty

Most nose job (rhinoplasty) is performed under anesthesia in a private hospital or clinic. The exact time of this operation depends on the type of rhinoplasty. For example, open rhinoplasty typically takes one to three hours, while reconstructive rhinoplasty can take much longer. Filler nose surgery also takes only 15 minutes.


The surgeon may apply local anesthesia to the affected area, depending on the type of operation, and then inject you with a sedative or general anesthetic. In general, secondary rhinoplasty (open and closed rhinoplasty) is performed under general anesthesia due to its complications. Whereas, filler nose surgery only requires local anesthesia.

Cut and slit the nose

Closed nasal skin incisions are made only internally inside the nose and incisions are made internally. In the open method, however, incisions are made throughout the columella. The surgeon then removes the soft tissues of the nose called cartilage through these incisions. This allows the surgeon to have access to all the details of the nose and can easily perform the rhinoplasty.

Deforming the shape of the nose

At this stage, the surgeon can change the shape of the tip of the nose and other parts of the nose with the help of transplanted cartilage. Donated cartilage is usually extracted from the nasal septum or sometimes from the ear or rib cartilage. If the nasal septum is deviated for any reason, the surgeon should straighten and polish it. In addition, the nostrils and nostrils should not be blocked after surgery if needed, otherwise rhinoplasty is never standard and the person will have to undergo secondary surgery again to relieve the condition.

Sutures and dressings

After the shape of the nose is changed by the doctor, it is time to suture the incised areas. At this stage, the removed skins return to their original state and plaster is applied to the patient's nose.


The first week:

You will probably be very anxious after seeing your new nose in the mirror, because your face is full of bruises and inflammation and the area under your eyes is black. But, it is better to keep your cool and be patient. Preliminary results are never immediate and it may take a year for your nose to get its final shape.

You may not be able to breathe through your nose for the first 24 hours due to swelling or a nasal stamp (if used). There is also the possibility of some discomfort that can normally be controlled with painkillers. Most people who have rhinoplasty can stop taking painkillers after 48 hours. Some people may have stomach upset after surgery, in which case taking anti-nausea medication will be very helpful.

You may have limited bleeding during the first few days. Your surgeon may also tell you to keep your head up and apply a cold compress for the first 24 hours to reduce swelling and bruising. Try to avoid sneezing as much as you can, and if you can not stop it, try to do it from the depths of your throat so that no pressure is put on your nose. On the other hand, you should always be careful not to hit your nose.

Many surgeons believe that you should not have any blows to your nose for 6 to 12 months.

second week:

After seven days, the plaster or splint will be removed from your nose. Your nose is still swollen after the cast is removed, but after two weeks the swelling will be greatly reduced. At this stage, all objects in the nose, including splints and other dressings after surgery, are removed by the surgeon. A splint may be placed on the outside of your nose to protect your nose as well as help keep it in shape during the healing process. The surgeon may also insert a softer splint into your nose to prevent scarring.

One month after the operation, your nasal swelling is reduced by about 85%. Residual swelling is likely to persist for up to a year, which is perfectly normal and is seen in most rhinoplasties. For this reason, you should wait at least a year to see the final results.


Cost of rhinoplasty

In nose job(rhinoplasty), expertise and experience come first. Rhinoplasty is performed on the organ that has the greatest impact on the beauty of a person's face. Therefore, doing this correctly is very important. In addition, the nose is a complex organ with a combination of bone, cartilage, skin and sebaceous glands, and therefore surgery on this organ is highly sensitive.

If the nose is operated on by an inexperienced or ignorant person, it may cause breathing abnormalities or problems or the volunteer may not be in the desired shape. Some of these inexperienced surgeons offer low costs for their work, but the risks that may be caused by inexperienced rhinoplasty are far greater than the value of the low cost received.

However, the cost of rhinoplasty in Iran clinics is about $ 1,000 to $ 2,000, which is much cheaper than in other parts of the world.

iran nose job

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Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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4 Responses

  1. karen says:

    I really want to have a noze job. but unfotunalty I cant afford it.

  2. mathew says:

    I have heard from some of my friends that Iranian surgeons do a much better job than other surgeons. Especially in the case of rhinoplasty. That is correct ?

    • admin says:

      Yes that’s right. Due to the many operations that Iranian doctors perform per month and the fierce competition that exists in this field. They should improve the quality of their work as much as possible.

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