Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

One of available methods to treat hair loss is hair transplantation. Hair transplantation can restore attractiveness and beauty of those who suffer from hair loss genetically. This operation does not have many side effects, and if you follow the doctor's recommendations and care after hair transplantation, you can see its positive results.

A successful hair transplant requires proper care after transplant. One of these cares is related to the type of shampoo that can be used to wash fresh hair after implantation.


What shampoo is suitable for after hair transplant?

During hair transplant procedure, the follicles are transferred from donor area to areas of head that have little hair. This transfer causes sores and swelling in scalp; therefore, post-operative care can help recovery period to end faster. Also, postoperative care has an effect on the stabilization of follicles and the protection of grafts.

The way you wash your head and choosing a high-quality shampoo are important in protecting the grafts. Most shampoos are made from very strong chemical compounds. The chemicals in shampoos are harmful even in normal conditions for those with sensitive hair.

After hair transplant operation, the follicles are highly sensitive and are not yet in a stable condition until first few weeks after operation; therefore, you should use mild shampoos without strong chemical compounds to wash your head. This type of shampoo has a simple formulation and does not harm your newly transplanted hair follicles. Doctors prescribe a suitable shampoo for washing your hair after implantation, considering the following:

  • Chemical compounds in shampoo
  • Suitable pH for hair
  • The amount of fat in scalp
  • The amount of dandruff
  • Scalp protector
  • The amount of antioxidants and lipozyme in shampoo

Considering each of above, the doctor prescribes right shampoo so that recovery period after operation ends faster. Poor quality shampoos can increase hair loss after transplantation and even prevent new hair growth.

Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

Baby shampoo instead of special shampoos after hair transplantation

After hair transplant operation, special shampoos recommended by doctor should be used until the follicles reach stable conditions. Doctors may introduce different shampoos to you, all of these shampoos are mild and do not threaten the follicles.

Therefore, paying attention to the chemical composition of shampoo and its low pH is one of things that should be considered when buying shampoo. Shampoos that contain zinc, copper, ketoconazole and amino acids can be good shampoos in protecting hair from dangers. These shampoos clean hair and keep it healthy.

Baby shampoo is a suitable and cheap option for washing hair after hair transplantation, this shampoo has a mild structure and does not harm the grafts. If you are not sure enough about buying other shampoos, you can use baby shampoo.

How long special shampoos should be used after hair transplantation?

Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

It is necessary to use special shampoos to wash head only for the first month after hair transplant. Of course, it should be noted that the conditions of recovery period of each person are different and the recommendations of doctor should be considered. In fact, depending on the individual's characteristics, the doctor determines how long special shampoos should be used after hair transplant operation.

For example, the doctor may determine that special shampoos should be used to wash head only for 3 weeks after operation. Therefore, it is better to use special and mild shampoos for a longer time after planting so that hair remains completely healthy.

Is it possible to use natural oils after hair transplantation?

Due to their properties, natural oils can strengthen hair and protect hair follicles from damage. Some people are looking for a way to strengthen their hair after hair transplant and tend to use natural oils instead of shampoos.

Using oils is very beneficial, but washing hair after hair transplantation must be done with mild shampoos; because the contaminations in scalp after hair transplant operation can only be removed with the help of proper shampoos. The use of oils such as bitter almond oil or coconut oil are only fortifying. It is recommended that if you intend to use natural oils, consult your doctor before using them.

Is ketoconazole shampoo suitable for hair transplantation?

Ketoconazole shampoo has anti-fungal properties and prevents sensitivity and itching of head after hair transplantation. Therefore, most doctors recommend using this shampoo after hair transplant surgery. The increase of testosterone in body plays a big role in hair loss.

Ketoconazole shampoo can prevent the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone. In fact, this shampoo has androgenic properties and helps to reduce hair loss and strengthen implanted hair by controlling hormonal processes in body.

You can use ketoconazole shampoo after first month.

What are the ingredients of suitable shampoos?

Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

After hair transplantation, the follicles may become inflamed, the wounds may become infected, or dandruff, itching, and bleeding may occur. In general, the shampoos prescribed by doctors after hair transplantation have the ability to reduce inflammation and also protect scalp from infections. The ingredients used in special shampoos after hair transplantation include the following.

  • Biotin and niacin: B vitamins have a very good effect on wound healing and hair growth. In general, shampoos that are prescribed to treat hair loss have B complex compounds.
  • Antibiotics and Ketoconazole: Some shampoos suitable for hair transplant surgery have antibiotics that have antifungal properties and can prevent infections.
  • Arginine, taurine and cysteine ​​(Cysteine): Amino acids provide the necessary protein for hair. These compounds help hair to grow faster after hair transplant. Strengthening shampoos that contain hydrolyzed proteins and amino acids play an effective role in hair restoration after transplantation.
  • Caffeine and copper peptides: Shampoos with caffeine and copper can reduce the amount of hair loss after implantation and strengthen the hair roots.

Can shampoos prevent hair loss?

Scientifically, there is no shampoo that prevents hair loss. Although there are many manufacturers who claim that the shampoos produced by them are able to prevent your hair loss because they are made from different plant extracts; but this claim is scientifically incorrect.

The presence of herbal extracts in shampoos can only reduce amount of hair loss, because shampoo is only left on head for a few minutes and therefore does not have much effect on stopping hair loss. Hair loss is one of the issues that must be identified first, because sometimes internal diseases such as thyroid or anemia can weaken the roots of hair and result in their loss. Diagnosing internal factors and treating them is the best way to control hair loss.

Hair loss is normal for some time after hair transplantation; but if the hair loss continues after the end of shedding period, you should think of a solution. Using a suitable and mild shampoo after planting can reduce shedding to some extent. Of course, using the right shampoo should be done along with strengthening solutions. The shampoo that every person feels that his hair falls less by using it, can be a suitable shampoo.

Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

How to wash hair after hair transplant

To wash your hair after hair transplant, you should generally forget the way you used to wash your hair before transplant; because the follicles are sensitive and more vulnerable to damage in first weeks after implantation; therefore, it is very important to gently wash hair at this stage. If you intend to wash your hair with a special shampoo after hair transplantation, follow the steps below.

Using boosters before washing your head

 Maybe your doctor has prescribed a special spray or serum to strengthen the follicles on scalp, which you should apply to your head before washing. These sprays and serums can prevent skin inflammations.

Adjusting water pressure and temperature

high water pressure and excessive temperature when washing head after hair transplantation can damage the follicles. Every time you want to wash your hair, you should set water temperature so that it is lukewarm and the pressure is set to medium.

Shampooing and massaging scalp

 After preparing shampoo prescribed by the doctor, you should pour a sufficient amount of it on your hand and gently massage scalp with your fingertips. Gentle scalp massage is effective in rapid hair growth by improving blood flow.

Draining hair

Blood clots remaining on scalp may cause infection. Therefore, it is necessary to wash scalp more carefully every time you wash to remove these clots.

From beginning of third month, you can use a special shampoo for your hair if diagnosed by the doctor.

Which shampoo is best after hair transplant?

The last word

Hair transplantation is one of best ways to treat hair loss, especially hair loss caused by genetic and hormonal factors. Choosing a reputable clinic with an experienced and expert staff can have a great impact on your satisfaction with cosmetic procedure; but in order to achieve desired result of operation, all care recommendations given by doctors should be considered and followed.

One of the cares after hair transplant procedure is related to type of shampoo that should be used to wash hair after hair transplant procedure. Because the follicles are highly sensitive for a few days after operation, a mild shampoo should be used to wash scalp so as not to damage hair grafts.


Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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