Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?

Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?

For some of us, there may have been problems during childhood or adulthood that caused a partial or extensive head fracture and leave scar tissue.  If you have this scar on your scalp, you may be considering a hair transplant to recover it. Alternatively, you may wish to have a hair transplant and are worried that your scar tissue prevents you from benefitting.

So, one of most common question on web for this problem is ‘Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?’ which in this article we want to discuss about it.

Why doesn't hair grow in scars?

Breaking head usually causes a deep wound in it that will be fixed with sutures. This deep injury and tearing of scalp at time of incident causes scar tissues and the loss of hair follicles at injury site. Even if some of follicles are spared from damage caused by fracture, they will definitely be damaged during suturing and pulling of skin to close the wound, and this is the reason why no hair will grow on scar tissues. This issue can affect people's self-confidence and therefore they look for a solution to fix it.

Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?

What should be done to re-grow hair on scar tissue?

Common methods used to treat hair loss or make them thicker; This means that topical or oral drugs cannot affect scar tissue. Because there are no follicles in this place that can be stimulated by these drugs and hair grows again. Therefore, it can be said that the only solution for hair regrowth in this area is to place new follicles in it, i.e., hair transplantation; But question is which of hair transplant methods are more reliable and can produce better results in scar tissue.

Based on the experience and research results of doctors, hair transplantation by FUE method is a practical solution to cover scar tissue and re-grow hair in this place. This method is one of the less invasive methods of hair transplantation that creates very small wounds on head, and in addition to being a suitable treatment for hair loss, it can also be used for regrowth of hair on scar tissue. Of course, note that using this method to cover scars is more invasive and skill of the surgeon is very important.

Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?

How is FUE method used to treat scar tissue?

The scar tissue is much more sensitive than other parts of head that have experienced hair loss, and hair transplantation should be done more carefully. Considering that this place has already been damaged once, it is not possible to make a cut in it and it can cause tension in area. Also, the very small wounds of FUE method must be created very carefully in right places that cause the least irritation on damaged tissue.

The suitable donor area for hair transplantation in this method is temple or back of head, which have hair that is more resistant to shedding, and for this reason, people whose baldness is fixed have hair in these areas. If a person has hair loss, hair transplantation can be done on entire head as well as scar tissue at once, and there is no need to visit separately for each part. People who came only to cover the scar tissue can use hair from these parts. Of course, if breakage has occurred in these areas, other parts will be used as a donor area.

Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?

Are the results of hair transplantation in on scars similar to normal hair transplantation?

There is no doubt that FUE method of hair transplantation on scar tissue is completely efficient and can cover this area completely. Currently, there are many people all over world who have done this with this method without leaving scars or injuries; But problem here is whether the density and quality of hair transplanted in this area will be completely similar to natural hair of a person?

Note that the skin tissue is also damaged at scar site, and if you compare it with other body part’s skin, you will realize that skin of this part is completely different from other areas in terms of structure, color, and characteristics. Considering this issue, we can conclude that the amount of blood circulation in area is less and weaker than other parts and naturally hairs planted in this area will not have the same quality and density as other parts.

Due to the limitations of scar area, no more than 30 strands hair can be planted per square centimeter of this area. For this reason, its density will be less compared to other parts. Of course, note that considering that in FUE method, the extracted grafts are not damaged, you will eventually achieve favorable results; The high satisfaction of applicants is a proof of this. One thing that can increase the quality of hair transplanted on scar tissue is to re-transplant hair in this area after 1 year so that the damaged tissues and blood vessels can heal.

The cost of hair transplant on scar tissue

Usually, the cost of hair transplantation depends on number of harvested follicles and the extent of implantation area, which is also true for hair transplantation on scar tissue. In addition, due to the sensitivity of scar area and need for presence of a skilled surgeon on site, and in some cases need for presence of more than one surgeon, the costs of this method will be higher than conventional hair transplantation with FUE method. Of course, when you see the results of this method, you will realize that this cost was totally worth it.

Can hair be transplanted onto scar tissue?

FAQ about hair transplant on scar tissues

Is hair transplantation possible for all people?

To answer this question, a person needs to be examined by a specialist doctor. In general, any person who is considered a suitable candidate for hair transplantation can get good results from hair transplantation on scar tissue. In people who are suffering from hair loss and pattern of their loss has not yet been proven, or people who do not have a suitable donor area, this work should be done with more caution and more detailed examinations.

Is FUE hair transplantation the only solution to cover scar tissue?

No other methods of hair transplantation can also be used to cover scars; But experience has shown that the results of this method, especially after one extension, are much more natural and last longer. In addition, its complications are much less and recovery period is shorter.

Can we expect results similar to natural hair transplants from hair transplants on scar tissue?

Considering that the blood flow in scar tissue is much less than in other parts of head and skin tissue of this area is also damaged, the results of hair transplantation in it will never be similar to results of hair transplantation in other parts of head; But the doctors use techniques to increase quality of implanted follicles and minimize the possibility of their damage during implantation process. In addition, re-extending hair transplant after 1 year helps to improve the blood flow in area and increase quality and density of transplanted hair.

Where is the best clinic for hair transplant on scar tissue?

Note that scar area has damaged tissue, and if you go to an unreliable clinic or hair transplantation is done by a bad surgeon, the injury in this area may spread and even make this area more obvious. Considering this issue, first of all, it is necessary to spend enough time to find a reputable clinic and a qualified doctor.


Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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