Can psoriasis patients do hair transplant?

Can psoriasis patients do hair transplant?

There are various reasons that increase the possibility of hair loss. Genetic, hormonal, pregnancy, breastfeeding, unhealthy eating and living style, excessive use of shampoos containing sulfates, excessive use of hair conditioners, vitamin deficiency, and suffering from diseases such as psoriasis play a key role in increasing hair loss.

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease that a person develops after suffering from relatively severe skin problems. Some external factors are involved in the occurrence and exacerbation of this disease. The question that arises is, can psoriasis patients do hair transplant? Stay with us to get answer.

What is psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a non-contagious and genetic disease. The body's immune system attacks organs and other body cells in these patients. The prevalence of this complication is relatively low. After getting this disease, most people are involved with its side effects for rest of their lives.

In this disease, wrong signals are transmitted from brain to skin. For this reason, the replacement speed of new cells instead of dead cells will increase. As a result of the increased production of new cells, the patient's skin becomes thick and scaly.

Various factors are effective in occurrence and exacerbation of psoriasis. The patient may even suffer from this condition from birth. The main aggravating factors of this condition are:

  • genetic factors.
  • Stress.
  • hormonal changes.
  • Infections caused by surgery.
  • Taking some medication.
  • excessive weight gain.
  • Alcohol and tobacco use.

Skin problems caused by this disease spread in different parts of body. The head is one of main parts involved in this disease. The general belief is that the use of hair transplant in people suffering from this disease causes infection to spread in other parts and aggravate disease. This belief is completely wrong. In some cases, the use of hair transplant technique plays an important role in reducing complications of psoriasis.

Can psoriasis patients do hair transplant?

The main symptoms of psoriasis

Each of skin diseases appear with specific symptoms. The severity of these symptoms varies from patient to patient. It is better to see a doctor if you notice any of the following symptoms:

  • Pink to red calluses with a raised appearance.
  • Excessive skin dryness and increased possibility of bleeding from it.
  • Skin flaking.
  • Severe itching and burning in some parts of body.
  • Protrusion and increase in thickness of nails.
  • Pain in skin.
  • Creating blisters on skin spots.

Hair transplant for psoriasis patients

It is possible to transfer skin symptoms and complications caused by psoriasis to different parts of body. In some cases, doctors recommend hair transplantation to treat the problems of this disease. Research shows that in most cases, hair transplantation not only does not cause the symptoms of this disease to worsen, but also causes its recovery.

Can psoriasis patients do hair transplant?

With the relatively long time of hair restoration in these patients, there is almost a complete recovery in its complications. Of course, you should know that hair transplantation in these patients is very different from hair transplantation in normal people. Its main difference is often related to recovery period.

Physiological conditions of psoriasis patients increase recovery period. Prolonging recovery period does not mean worsening the symptoms and complications of psoriasis. Rather, most experts consider the increase in recovery period to mean symptoms improvement of this disease. It is recommended to use a hair transplant method that does not require creating a wound to extract and transplant follicles to reduce complications caused by psoriasis.

The results of hair transplantation for psoriasis

In early stages after hair transplantation in psoriasis patients, favorable changes were observed in their scalp. No complications or serious problems were found in area around transplant site in periodic examinations 6 months after hair transplantation. To ensure the positive effect of transplantation in these patients, experts first took samples from different areas of head to make sure that the main cause of hair loss is autoimmune disease psoriasis.

After ascertaining the main cause of hair loss, the surgeon took samples from patient's head again in monthly sessions. The results were surprising. There were no signs of severe skin inflammation in areas that were previously affected by psoriasis symptoms, and there was a partial to complete improvement in symptoms. The obtained results proved the effectiveness of hair transplantation in treating symptoms of this disease. The growth process of the grafted threads was completely normal. Do not forget that we need a year to achieve ideal result after operation.

With sampling and 12-month psoriasis patients’ examination after hair transplantation, no signs of inflammation and infection were observed. Repetition of experiments also did not find any reason to confirm skin’s head flaking after hair transplantation. The growth of transplanted hair was completely natural and healing process was also done well.

Can psoriasis patients do hair transplant?

The most suitable implantation method for psoriasis patients

In patients with psoriasis, hair follicles are implanted in transplant site after extraction from donor area. For these patients, hair transplantation is possible in two ways.

One of suitable methods of hair transplantation in these patients is FUT hair transplantation. In this method, follicles are harvested by making an incision on back of patient's head. After preparation, it is possible to transfer grafts to transplant area. There is no need for a thick cut in donor area.

Another suitable method of hair transplantation in psoriasis patients is hair transplantation by FUE method, in which transplanted follicles are harvested point by point. There are no wounds, cuts or sutures in this method. It is interesting to know that the results of these two methods are completely same and hair is in a natural state.

The difference between FUT vs FUE method is in location and method of extracting transplanted grafts. In FUT method, it is used to harvest hair strands from a limited area. A 15-20 cm long incision is made at back of head and then sutured. However, in FUE method, the follicles are harvested point by point without making a cut. In both methods, the use of anesthetic drugs is required to reduce pain during hair extraction.

Psoriasis treatment with hair transplant

Hair transplant in patients with psoriasis is not a new treatment method. Don't forget that hair transplant in these patients will not aggravate wound and complications. Of course, manipulating the transplant site and harvesting follicles is directly involved in aggravating wounds and delaying healing.

If you or one of your loved ones is suffering from psoriasis, be sure that hair transplantation does not provoke disease and aggravate symptoms. Harvesting hair and transplanting it to bald areas facilitates the natural healing process of this disease wounds. In most patients, transplantation of transplanted follicles begins after wounds healing and completion of the recovery period.

In some psoriasis patients, skin grafting using stem cells is used to reduce regeneration and proliferation of inflammations. The use of this treatment method is more suitable for patients with chronic and extensive wounds.

Reconstruction of inflammation caused by hair transplant in psoriasis patients is done in four stages. These stages include homeostasis, inflammation, cell proliferation and skin regeneration. Researchers believe that the presence of stem cells in hair follicles is effective in treating psoriasis symptoms.

Benefits of hair transplant in psoriasis patients

  • Helping to treat the complications and symptoms of disease.
  • Patients benefit from natural hair.
  • Helping to restore and increase patients' self-confidence.
  • No need for anesthesia.
  • hair transplant without making a cut and using sutures.
  • Not leaving scars in donor area and transplant site.
  • No pain and bleeding in this method.

Hair restoration in psoriasis patients

In these patients, like people with alopecia, HRT is used to restore hair. The appearance of hair after this procedure will be completely natural. A person's body does not show any allergic reaction in this way. HRT is best option in patients whose doctor does not consider hair transplant suitable.

In hair restoration, there is no need to make an incision in donor area, transplant grafts and sutures. As a result, no scar remains. In this method, hair of same color and gender as the patient's hair is used for prosthesis. After hair restoration, the person will not be involved with any complications or problems.

Hair restoration provides conditions for having high density hair. The appearance of a person's hair is completely natural, and the reason for that is use of simulation prosthesis in hair preparation. Simulation prostheses have an appearance completely similar to the patient's own hair and are produced from natural materials. Then, natural hair with desired volume, size and color of the applicant is attached to prosthesis. Finally, it is time to install the prosthesis on patient's head. For this, a very strong fixer containing keratin is used.

There is no recovery period for this procedure. A person does not face restrictions in doing work and daily activities. There are conditions for sports activities such as swimming. Because prosthesis glue is very strong and does not separate from head. After connecting transplant prostheses, the patient does not suffer from problems such as hair loss.

Advantages of HRT method

If your doctor recommends using a hair restoration technique to solve your problem, you should know that the following benefits are result of using hair prostheses:

  • You will have high density hair.
  • The hair looks very natural.
  • The use of hair prosthesis in psoriasis patients is very successful and possibility of complications is minimized.
  • It helps to restore self-confidence of patients to be in community.
  • The cost of implementing this method is lower compared to other hair transplant methods.
  • There is no incision, pain, bleeding and surgery. Due to lack of anesthesia, the person is not involved in post-operative complications.
  • For hair restoration, we do not need to extract transplanted follicles from donor area.
  • There are no restrictions on sports and work activities.

Cost of hair transplant for psoriasis patients

It is not possible to accurately calculate the cost of hair transplant in psoriasis patients before consultation session; because the needs of different patients are different. To know the exact cost of operation, you should pay attention to some factors. These include:

  • Choosing right method for hair transplant.
  • The level of surgeon's skill and experience.
  • The number of implantation or repair sessions.
  • Cost of medical team.
  • The cost of postoperative drugs.
  • Number of harvested.
  • Extent of baldness.

FAQ about hair transplant for psoriasis patients

Is hair transplant possible for psoriasis patients?

Contrary to common belief that hair transplants cause psoriasis ulcers, you should know that the use of different methods of hair transplants is effective in treating the symptoms of disease.

What is main reason for positive effect of hair transplantation in treatment of psoriasis complications?

The presence of stem cells in transplanted follicles is main factor in eliminating complications of psoriasis after hair transplantation.

If the disease worsens, what is best method for hair transplantation in people with psoriasis?

In case of exacerbation of disease, it is not possible to take grafts from person's own hair. In such a case, the use of hair restoration or HRT is considered best option to treat baldness in psoriasis patients.

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