Breathing problems after rhinoplasty

breathing problems after rhinoplasty

One of the concerns of people for rhinoplasty is the possibility of breathing problems after rhinoplasty. However, today, with the development of surgical methods and the emergence of new techniques, fewer people suffer from respiratory problems after rhinoplasty. If the nose operation is performed accurately and correctly; Despite the deformation of the nose and its shrink, you will not face any breathing problems after the nose operation.

Most clients believe that they have breathing problems after rhinoplasty, and in contrast, patients who have surgery for respiratory problems think that this problem will definitely go away. If the breathing problem is related to the deviation of the middle septum, or the problem of the internal valves, it is possible to correct it during cosmetic surgery.

Breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Postoperative dryness and nasal congestion can also sometimes cause respiratory problems, which are usually long-lasting. Nasal congestion is the cause of most transient cramps, and much of the swelling subsides during the first few weeks. Intra-nasal ulcers caused by surgery can also cause breathing problems.

Side effects of rhinoplasty

Complications after rhinoplasty
Complications after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty, like other cosmetic surgeries, has possible complications that can be greatly reduced by carefully choosing a doctor. Swelling and bleeding are normal for a few days after rhinoplasty, but it is best to see a doctor if the bleeding is excessive. Respiratory problems, shortness of breath and nasal congestion are other complications of this surgery that usually improve after removing the nasal cast and reducing swelling.

Nasal congestion

 After surgery, the inside and outside of the nose become swollen for a while; Inflammation inside the nose reduces the volume of normal breathing space in the nose and as a result, the patient suffers from nasal congestion by restricting and blocking the airway. Rhinoplasty by a skilled surgeon prevents such complications and if it occurs, it will resolve within a maximum of 1 month.

Whistling nose

 This complication causes a whistling sound when inhaling and exhaling, but it is not as frightening for the patient as nasal congestion. Excessive shrinkage of the nostrils during surgery is one of the most important reasons for this problem; Because air can make a whistling sound by passing through a narrow airway. Nasal polyps, allergies, and inflammation of the lungs and sinuses are other causes of wheezing when breathing after rhinoplasty.

Shortness of breath

 Shortness of breath in most people who have had rhinoplasty is temporary and resolves after 2 to 3 weeks. The presence of blood clots in the nose, inflammation of the tissues inside the nose and inflammation of the nasal mucosa are natural causes of shortness of breath in the patient. However, in cases where shortness of breath is caused by unprofessional surgery, rhinoplasty is usually needed to correct it.

Breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Causes of respiratory problems after rhinoplasty

Respiratory problems such as shortness of breath and nasal congestion may be normal for the first few weeks, but prolongation of these complications occurs for medical reasons and lack of postoperative care. The most important reasons for respiratory problems after rhinoplasty are:

Improper and inappropriate surgery

 If rhinoplasty is performed according to medical principles and standards, the patient will not be threatened by a complication and the result will be successful. However, if more cartilage is removed from the nose during rhinoplasty due to a doctor's mistake, it will cause the back of the nose to dent; Following this indent, the person's respiratory capacity decreases and the appearance of the nose becomes deformed.

By removing too much cartilage from the structure of the nose, the nasal skeleton is weakened and the passage of air and breathing is disrupted. Restorative surgery may be suggested for such complications at present.

Breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Dyspnea due to the presence of a bandage in the nose

In the first days after rhinoplasty, the surgeon places a tampon or bandage inside the nostrils to maintain the strength of the nasal skeleton. For this reason, in the early days, the patient is unable to breathe through the nose due to having a tampon, which reduces the person's respiratory capacity. By removing these tampons by the surgeon, the airway is opened and the patient can breathe through his nose.

Swelling of the nose due to surgery

Rhinoplasty swelling stages | tips, reasons, timeline
Rhinoplasty swelling stages | tips, reasons, timeline

 The nose undergoes changes during surgery, as a result of which the nasal tissue becomes swollen and inflamed. After rhinoplasty, over time and the onset of nasal tissue repair, this inflammation and swelling decrease and nasal function returns to normal. But in the early days, due to swelling in the nose, there is a possibility of nasal airway obstruction or decreased respiratory capacity through the nose, which after 2 to 3 weeks of rhinoplasty slowly returns to the previous state.

Excessive shrinkage of the nasal fins

 Possibility of air flow in and out through the nose, with excessive shrinkage of the nasal fins decreases and nasal breathing is impaired. In addition, sometimes the space between the two nasal cavities may be perforated, causing respiratory problems.


 Sensitivity is one of the most common causes of nasal congestion. These days, allergy disease is one of the most common diseases due to air pollution. In certain seasons of the year, people suffer from nasal congestion, which is accompanied by runny nose and sneezing. Allergies are often inherited and are often treated with medication. But in some people, other medications do not work, in which case they have to undergo surgery.

Breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Nasal septum deviation

 Another common cause of nasal congestion is nasal septum deviation. The middle septum of the nose, which is bony at the back and cartilaginous at the front, separates the left and right nostrils.

In some people, due to a congenital problem or as a result of trauma, the middle septum of the nose deviates to one side, which narrows that side of the nose; Narrowing of one of the nasal cavities causes congestion and respiratory problems.

The last word

Breathing problems after rhinoplasty

Due to the popularity of rhinoplasty in our country, most applicants pay attention only to the appearance of the nose and the cost of surgery and do not pay much attention to more important issues that guarantee less postoperative complications, such as: choosing a skilled doctor, surgical method And the relevant clinic. Therefore, it is possible to be safe from possible risks with more research and accuracy.


Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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