Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? | sutures & scar tissue

Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? | sutures & scar tissue

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular and common cosmetic surgeries. Many people who want to have this surgery want to have detailed information about how to have the surgery, doctors' recommendations for recovery, post-rhinoplasty, and so on.

Undoubtedly, the question of changes in the face and limbs after surgery is one of the most important questions that form in the mind of any patient, such as: the stitches remain on the face? how to remove the scar? Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? and so on.

The effects of rhinoplasty are one of the main concerns of people who have had rhinoplasty; Because the nose is located in the center of the face and any defects in its structure can be easily seen. Fortunately, no incisions are made on the nose during nasal polyp surgery, so there is no need to worry about stitches remaining for patients suffering from polyps.

The importance of sutures after rhinoplasty

Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? | sutures & scar tissue

Rhinoplasty is one of the optional surgeries; This means that the person performs surgery with personal desire and to make his face more beautiful. Undoubtedly, in cosmetic surgeries, in addition to the final shape of the nose, the post-nasal suture site is also important for patients. The main questions that patients ask doctors are:

What is the solution to removing scars after rhinoplasty?

Can scars be removed with a laser?

Are the sutures clear after surgery?

Do rhinoplasty leave scars ?

Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? | sutures & scar tissue

How many months does it take for the stitches to disappear?

The fact is that the answers to these questions were different for each patient; Because several factors affect the outcome of each patient's surgery, which is mainly derived from the patient's physical condition. However, the choice of a competent physician also plays an important role in this regard.

It is good to know that rhinoplasty is one of the heaviest and most complex plastic surgeries in the world, but nevertheless, the effects of this surgery can be largely eliminated by considering different conditions and consulting a competent doctor.

The difference between closed and open rhinoplasty

The surgical procedure performed is one of the most important factors influencing the post-nasal suture site. Rhinoplasty can be performed open or closed method. The difference between the two methods is in the type of incision that is made on the nose. Surgeons mostly use open surgery and closed method can be used more for minor surgeries. In other words, if your nose needs a lot of changes, chances are you are a candidate for rhinoplasty.

Open Rhinoplasty

In this type of cosmetic surgery, an obvious incision is made in the columella (the end of the middle septum of the nose) and other incisions may be made in the inner part of the nose for better results. This type of rhinoplasty is very common among surgeons, giving the doctor a better view to have complete control over the position of the patient's nasal components and to bring the best output. The patient undergoing this type of surgery needs more time to heal than the closed method.

Closed Rhinoplasty

In this model of rhinoplasty, no incisions or incisions are made in the outer part of the nose, and throughout the surgery, the shape of the nose is corrected only through the incisions made. In this model, the suture site after nasal surgery will be observed only if the patient turns his head back and the inside of the nose is exposed. In closed surgery, the incisions are relatively small, and their internal nature allows patients to not have to worry about scar removal after rhinoplasty. Closed rhinoplasty, in addition to leaving no scar, also causes less swelling and pain for the patient.

Can the remnants of rhinoplasty cause a problem?

Rhinoplasty is one of the most complex plastic surgeries, so there is some natural scarring, but the skill and expertise of the doctor can help minimize the scarring.

Usually a small incision in the septum of the nose cannot cause a particular problem for the patient. If the surgeon is skilled enough to make the incision with finesse and precision, the incision will usually heal after a short time and almost disappear over time.

Suture site after nose surgery

Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? | sutures & scar tissue

Numerous factors make scar removal difficult or, in rare cases, impossible. For example, if the surgeon does not create the incision properly and delicately in the open nose surgery procedure, adverse effects may be seen and annoy the patient.

However, in addition to the surgeon's specialty, there are other factors that affect the amount of sutures after rhinoplasty, the most important of which are:

Skin allergies

 Your skin may react to the medications used, causing irritation, itching, and inflammation. If you are indifferent to this issue, the scar may be bigger. It is best to tell your doctor immediately if you have any allergic reactions and use the prescribed medications and prescriptions.


 Sunlight can make the stitches worse after a nose job. Sunlight darkens the scar tissue and makes it appear more prominent on your face.

It is best to listen to your doctor's advice in this regard and do not forget that the use of any sunscreen is subject to the instructions of your surgeon.


 If there is an infection at the incision site, it is best to inform your surgeon as soon as possible. Although a small amount of inflammation is normal at the surgical site, it is important for the surgeon to be aware of all of your conditions so that he or she can make the necessary decisions if the infection worsens. Infection may not make the suture worse on its own, but it can delay wound healing.


 Smoking slows down the healing process of wounds and sutures. The body needs oxygen to heal wounds and scars, and a lack of oxygen in the body of people who smoke may prolong the healing process. Surgeons advise patients who want to have rhinoplasty to refrain from smoking for 2 weeks before surgery and 3 weeks after surgery to speed up the healing process.

Patient's age

 Certainly no one expects a grandmother's wound to heal as quickly as a 20-year-old's wounds; Wound healing ability decreases with age. However, the patient's lifestyle, such as nutrition, adequate sleep, lack of stress and smoking, etc., accelerates the patient's treatment process.

How can we prevent scarring?

Do rhinoplasty leave scars ? | sutures & scar tissue

There are several factors that contribute to the formation of sutures after rhinoplasty. In addition to environmental factors, there are factors that you can pay attention to before surgery to reduce the possibility of scarring after rhinoplasty to zero.

Choosing a skilled and experienced surgeon

 With careful selection of the surgeon, you have traveled 90% of the way. Skilled and experienced surgeons, by examining the various conditions of the patient and also a complete analysis before surgery, give you the hope that you will face the least amount of scars after surgery. Be sure to spend enough time doing research before surgery. Choosing the best surgeon is the least you can do for your health.

Follow the surgeon's instructions

 10% of the continuation of the route is following the surgeon's instructions; if you choose the best surgeon, but do not follow his basic instructions, you are actually endangering your health. Your doctor's instructions can cover a wide range of cases.

Quit smoking

 One of the most important advice your doctor can give you is not to smoke or drink alcohol.

Pay special attention to nutrition

 Another important piece of advice your doctor will give you is to pay special attention to nutrition. Undoubtedly, nutrition is one of the most important health factors and helps the body to repair surgical sutures as well as possible. A balanced and nutritious diet will help you regain your health and enjoy your face as soon as possible. Eating more protein, eating fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking plenty of water, and so on can all speed up the healing process.

Staying away from the sun

Being away from sunlight is also one of the factors affecting the faster healing of wounds and sutures after rhinoplasty.

Do not apply makeup

 Try to reduce the use of cosmetics as much as possible before surgery, this will open the pores of your skin. Using moisturizing creams can also be helpful; however, this is only a general prescription and your doctor will decide how to proceed with your condition.

Can Rhinoplasty Scar Removal With Surgery?

Depending on the skin condition, body health and…, the process of healing the suture of each patient is different from the other patient. If the stitches do not disappear after the recovery period and until the final shape of the nose is determined (at least 6 months), you can use ointments that are used to remove skin scars, which have a great effect on removing scars. If the location of the stitches is still clear, you can use a laser after consulting your doctor.

Rhinoplasty and sensitivity to beauty in people

Repeat to yourself that you have undergone one of the heaviest cosmetic surgeries to achieve a beautiful and shapely nose that makes you happy and boosts your self-confidence. Excessive attention to the nasal septum, which is not normally seen, may cause you to become obsessed with finding solutions to imaginary problems. Try to enjoy the beautiful appearance of your nose and do not let anyone lower your self-confidence. Paying attention to this issue will help you deal with a small amount of invisible and insignificant scars under your nose.

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Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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