What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

If you are planning to have a nose job, you need to know about taking different medications after rhinoplasty. During this period, some medications are allowed, and some are necessary, but some others might be very dangerous. Some medications are so dangerous that they should not be taken for weeks or even months before surgery.

Reading this article will help you to have useful information about this question that" What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?"

Things to know before taking any medications

Before performing rhinoplasty, we need to know a few points:

* First of all, it is necessary to do the needed tests before the nose surgery and if you have any disease, discuss it with your doctor. This is because your doctor will prescribe the right medication for you, depending on your body and your medical history.

* During the operation and until the end of the recovery period, do not take any medication arbitrarily and without consulting your doctor. All medications should be taken exactly as your prescription.


The medications which are mostly taken after rhinoplasty

Medications prescribed after rhinoplasty include antibiotics, painkillers, cold pills, nasal drops, nasal wash serum, prednisolone tablets, and a variety of ointments, some of which are described below:


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

The main drug used after rhinoplasty is antibiotic that must be taken exactly as prescribed by your doctor. Antibiotics prevent infection and therefore their proper and timely use is very important. Amoxicillin 500 capsules are one of the most common antibiotics commonly prescribed to patients.


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Painkillers are usually used after a meal to reduce pain and swelling. Most doctors and surgeons prescribe gelofen and naproxen tablets. Be sure to use the painkiller you have been prescribed only if you feel pain.

Cold pills

What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Because runny nose and sneezing can interfere with the healing process of damaged tissues, doctors usually prescribe cold pills up to three days after removing the dressing of the nose.


Nasal drops

What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

After rhinoplasty, nasal drops are usually used to prevent bleeding or to open the airways. Be aware that long-term use of these drops can damage the nasal mucosa and also make you dependent on it.

Usually patients reduce the concentration of the drop after a few days by adding water to the solution and gradually reduce its use to zero.


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Anahil Pills

Anahil pill is an adjunct medicine that in addition to reducing swelling and bruising on and around the nose, is also very helpful in relieving skin inflammation.


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Sometimes doctors prescribe corticosteroids to reduce inflammation, including prednisolone tablets. These drugs have many side effects and their use must be controlled and under the supervision of a doctor.


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Various ointments can be used to repair damaged tissues and sutures faster. Tetracycline ointment is usually used for the inside of the nose and zinc oxide ointment is used for stitches on the skin.


Which medications should not be taken after rhinoplasty?

Unfortunately, some people think that there is not much difference between painkillers and that prescribed painkiller can be changed or used in higher doses without consulting the doctor. However, this perception can have irreparable consequences for patients because some painkillers reduce the concentration of blood and increase bruising and bleeding after surgery. Ibuprofen, Advil, diclofenac and naproxen are some of the painkillers that should not be used after rhinoplasty. Medications that are contraindicated after rhinoplasty include:


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Piroxicam is one of the most widely used drugs to reduce pain and inflammation, especially muscle pain and inflammation. This type of painkiller should not be used after rhinoplasty.


Blood thinners

What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin, warfarin, and beryllium are banned after surgery. These medications should be stopped at least two weeks before and after surgery.

Some supplements, such as vitamin E tablets, are blood-thinning and must not be consumed after surgery.


What medication do you get after rhinoplasty?

Also known as Accutane, which is prescribed for people with oily skin and pimples, it is one of the most dangerous drugs after rhinoplasty. In very special cases, this drug may be prescribed temporarily for people after rhinoplasty, but its arbitrary use can have a negative effect on the final results of the nose job. It is recommended that people who have taken this medicine should delay their nose job for at least a year.

Use sunscreen after rhinoplasty

It is very important to use a good sunscreen for the face for the postoperative period, because the skin becomes very sensitive to sunlight after surgery and becomes very vulnerable. Thus, it is recommended that all patients use sunscreen when necessary.

Final points

  • Note that medications must be taken in a timely manner and as prescribed by your doctor.
  • As mentioned, only take painkillers as long as you feel pain.
  • Do not manipulate the nose for 2 months after the operation.
  • Tell your doctor immediately if you experience symptoms such as nausea, shortness of breath, diarrhea, skin rash, and fever above 38 degrees after discharge and taking the medications, or if you experience increasing pain and redness at the operation site.

source : khoraminejad.com


Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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