Steroid injection after rhinoplasty

Steroid injection after rhinoplasty

In rhinoplasty, corticosteroids, better known as steroids, are used to reduce post-operative nasal inflammation. Steroids are used both in the form of prescription oral medications such as pills and as injectable medications. After rhinoplasty, steroids can be injected directly into the nose to reduce the amount of swelling and scar tissue.

In this article, entitled steroids injection after rhinoplasty, we want to address all the questions that have been on your mind.

Applications of c steroids injection after rhinoplasty

Steroids injections are performed after rhinoplasty or reconstructive rhinoplasty for several reasons. The most common use of corticosteroids to reduce rhinitis is to prevent scar tissue formation or to treat scar tissue created after rhinoplasty.

nose swollen after steroid injection

Swelling of the nose after surgery is inevitable, but the amount of swelling depends on the type of nose job performed, the amount of changes applied to the tissues, and the patient's skin type.

In most people, the initial swelling after rhinoplasty resolves naturally, about 14 days after the operation. However, after this period, the person may still see swelling that takes several months or even years to resolve. In this case, the best rhinosurgeon recommends injecting steroids into the affected area to reduce the swelling created after rhinoplasty or reconstructive rhinoplasty and eventually eliminate it. In other words, injecting steroids into the nose accelerates the postoperative recovery process and determines the result of rhinoplasty even earlier than 6 to 12 months.

Steroid injection after rhinoplasty

Normally, people with a fleshy nose will experience significant swelling after surgery. On the other hand, osteoporosis is much less and disappears in less time. Therefore, it can be said that steroid injections are mostly done for bulbous nose.

Injections of steroids after rhinoplasty to prevent scar tissue

Steroid injection after rhinoplasty

In addition to reducing swelling, injecting steroids into the nose can prevent scar tissue. People whose nasal skin is relatively or very thick (it can be said that people whose have bulbous), the formation of scars and wounds with firm tissue between the bone or cartilage and the skin of the nose, after surgery, is very likely.

If the scar tissue in the nasal area is very large and does not allow the skin to adapt to the new shape of the nose, the cosmetologist will inject steroids after the nose operation to prevent the formation and spread of this excess tissue. Steroids may also be used long after rhinoplasty to treat scar tissue.

The right time to inject steroids after rhinoplasty

Following rhinoplasty, the timing of steroid injections depends on several factors. Some rhinosurgeons prefer to inject steroids 1 to 2 months after rhinoplasty to prevent further scar tissue from progressing. However, during this period, more of the swelling of the nose has disappeared on its own.

But some surgeons wait at least 3 to 4 months to inject steroids. After this time, most people who have had surgery are in the postoperative recovery phase. Injecting steroids during this time period will be beneficial; because it modifies and improves the new shape of the nose.

Also, steroid injections are considered safe and low risk during this period and the possibility of scar tissue formation is very low. Depending on the amount and strength of the injected steroids after 3 to 4 months, the scar tissue formed during this period is also treated. Many people experience the effects of steroids about 2 weeks after injection.

How many steroid shots can you get after rhinoplasty? 

The number of steroids injected after rhinoplasty and steroid medications depend on the individual's condition. Some people need to inject several units of steroids after primary surgery or revision rhinoplasty to reduce swelling and scar tissue. Others need to be injected only once. Some doctors prefer to inject steroids at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks. The presence of this time interval allows the nose to gradually reach its shape and form at the same time as the recovery period.

side effects of steroid injection after rhinoplasty

Steroid injections are considered a safe and effective procedure for relieving swelling of the nose and scar tissue after rhinoplasty. But like other processes, it cannot be said that it has no side effects, although these side effects are rare.

Just as steroid injections destroy scar tissue, they can damage healthy skin tissue and cause the skin to dent. It can also cause thinning of the skin or cause hypopigmentation (meaning spots on the skin that are lighter in color than the skin). In very rare cases, steroid injections may cause tissue loss.

Should the nose be taped after injecting steroids?

As you know, taping the nose reduces swelling of the nose; therefore, it is recommended to use nasal tape for 2 weeks after injecting steroids.

Do I need a steroid injection after rhinoplasty?

People who have the following characteristics can be considered a good candidate for post-nasal steroid injections:

  • The skin of the nose tip is thick.
  • The process of reducing swelling and inflammation of the nose and recovery after rhinoplasty is slow.
  • If the person has had rhinoplasty before.

If steroid injections are done properly and properly in qualified people, it can reduce the amount of inflammation and swelling in the nose and eliminate or prevent scar tissue after rhinoplasty.

Steroid injections to reduce nasal inflammation

You may have heard about steroid injections into the nose during surgery, and you may have wondered if your nose needs this nasal injection for swelling after surgery.

Steroid injection after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the nose is an unavoidable part of rhinoplasty that begins right after the operation and the estimated period of complete remission is about one year. So you should take a normal look at it and not consider it a matter of concern.

In post-surgery examination sessions, the doctor assesses the progress of the recovery, sometimes recognizing that it is necessary to inject steroids into the nose, and prescribes it. Swelling in fleshy noses is often more severe, and for this reason, bolbuse nose are a common candidate for steroid injections.

The injection site of steroids in different parts of the nose is also a case that the doctor determines at his discretion and discretion. For example, sometimes the tissue behind the nose swells in the bridge of the nose, and this causes the arch created in the bridge of the nose to be hidden, which plays a very effective role in showing the beauty of the nose. Sometimes the nose tip becomes severely swollen, and injections of steroids are needed to control the swelling in this area.

In general, the need for steroid injections, the type of injection, the timing of steroid injections, the area of ​​the nose where the steroids should be injected, and many other things are all at the surgeon's discretion.

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