How should you sleep after hair transplant?

How should you sleep after hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is one of a most effective ways to permanently treat hair loss. Many people become candidates for hair transplant to get rid of hair loss. Some patients have questions about post-hair transplant care. One of the most common questions of patients is about how to sleep and rest after hair transplantation?

Resting after surgery can help you heal faster. Therefore, it is necessary for patients to have enough rest for a few days after surgery. Also, the way you sleep is very important in result of hair transplant. If patient does not sleep properly, the hair grafts will be damaged. While sleeping, the implanted hair and hair removal (donor area) area are in direct contact with pillow. Therefore, the way to sleep should be such that the grafts are not damaged.

Why is it important how to sleep after hair transplantation?

In first days after hair transplant, the scalp is delicate and sensitive and vulnerable. Incorrect sleeping position can cause the loss of grafts by putting pressure on hair and in more severe cases lead to bleeding. In addition, if person does not have correct position while sleeping, the swelling may increase after surgery.

In addition to preventing pressure on hair, the correct sleeping position can also reduce swelling after surgery. For this reason, sleeping and resting after hair transplantation plays a very important role in results of hair transplantation. Proper sleep protects grafts and has a positive effect on final result of hair transplant.

How should you sleep after hair transplant?

Tips for how to sleep and rest after hair transplant

The most important points that should be considered after hair transplantation are:

Make sure pillow and sheets are clean

The cleanliness of pillow is one of the most important health and care matters after hair transplantation. The hair is in direct contact with pillow, so to care for hair after implantation, you need to keep your pillow clean. If the pillow is not clean, the grafts are exposed to infection and may be damaged. To clean pillows and sheets, use detergents that do not contain allergens. Because allergens can irritate scalp and cause damage to grafts.

Place a clean, soft towel on your pillow

After hair transplant surgery, you may see secretions on scalp for a few days. These secretions are completely normal after surgery. You can put a towel on it to prevent sheets and pillows from getting dirty. In this way, the secretions are absorbed by towel and your pillow remains clean. Of course, every time you use a towel, you have to wash it and then put it on pillow.

How should you sleep after hair transplant?

When sleeping, place head at an angle of 30 to 45 degrees

The way to sleep and rest after hair transplant should be such that the head is higher than other parts of body. After hair transplant, the best angle for sleeping is between 30 and 45. Patients can use two pillows to elevate head. In addition to preventing hair damage, the head angle can also reduce swelling after surgery. This sleeping method is the most correct sleeping position after hair transplant, which can speed up healing process.

Avoid sleeping on your stomach after hair transplantation

Sleeping on your stomach after hair transplant, in addition to increasing swelling, can damage the grafts. If you are in habit of always sleeping on your stomach, it is better to stop this habit for a while after surgery. How to sleep and rest after hair transplant has a very important effect on treatment process. Therefore, during recovery period, it is necessary to correct your sleeping habits between 1 and 2 weeks and do not sleep on your stomach.

Avoid hitting scalp on pillow

After hair transplant, the skin becomes very sensitive. Any blow or scratch to hair can damage follicles. In order to prevent hair from being hit, you can use medical neck pillows. These pillows create a little distance between head and the pillow and prevent pressure and impact on hair.

Have a regular sleep pattern

It is necessary to have enough rest and correct your sleep pattern to recover faster. After surgery, body needs energy to recover, and this energy is obtained through adequate sleep and rest. For this reason, it is necessary to have enough sleep after surgery so that you can go through healing process successfully. Normally, the standard amount of sleep is 8 hours and this amount should not decrease after surgery.

When can normal sleep habits be resumed?

How should you sleep after hair transplant?

Normally, it is necessary to follow the mentioned tips about sleeping after hair transplant for two weeks after surgery. Usually, after this period, you can always sleep as usual and resume your normal sleep process. Of course, the recovery period in patients is different according to their conditions.

This period may be shorter in some people and longer in others. What is important is the correct way to sleep and rest after hair transplant and to observe hygiene tips. Therefore, it is necessary to follow all the doctor's instructions for a faster recovery so that hair transplant has a successful result.


Hi, my name is Aishka, I'm a nurse and also a translator and content developer. We are going to argue about cosmetic surgeries, like rhino, blepharoplasty, hair implant and ….. if there is any question about this topics. don't be shy . just ask.

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